Monday, October 20, 2008

Mold Your Character

"God uses your faith to mold your character. Character is the manifestation of what you are becoming. Strong moral character results from consistent correct choices in the trials and testing of life. Your faith can guide you to those correct choices. Clearly, it is what you do and what you think about that determine what you are and what you will become. Therefore, the choices you make need to be inspired by the Lord. You need to ponder, pray, and exercise faith to willingly make choices consistent with the teachings of the Master."
Elder Richard G. Scott
Remember, "We Have a Work to Do." One small step for womankind, one giant leap for eternity. Jeanette


Donna said...

Thanks for this posting. It makes life so much easier to know that small steps are ok and lead us where we want to go.

Kristanne said...

I agree. BTW - My husband has asked me quite a few times if I was going to get your presentation so we could put it up on the web. I think it would be really great!!!